Presidential Elections and Markets

6.21.24 | Financial Planning

With the 2024 Presidential election right around the corner, many investors are wondering how it will impact their portfolios. Read more

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Cybersecurity Month

10.28.19 | Financial Planning

While October is best known for beautiful foliage, Halloween candy, and the unpacking of cozy sweaters, it is also Cybersecurity Month. Protecting your digital existence is critical for your financial well-being. Provided below...

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Increase Your Interest Income with Online Banks

9.7.18 | Financial Planning

Are you earning a competitive rate of return on your cash savings?  As interest rates continue to rise, there are a number of online banks now offering interest rates that are much higher...

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Are You Ready to Retire?

7.13.18 | Financial Planning

Choosing to permanently leave the workforce can be both an exciting and nervous time.  Chances are, you have been working full time for 30 or 40+ years and are used to receiving a...

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Value of Charitable Gifting from an IRA Under the New Tax Law

6.22.18 | Financial Planning

Value of Charitable Gifting from an IRA Under the New Tax Law In late 2017, Congress passed the new tax law that contained numerous changes to the then existing law.  One provision that...

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Tuning Out the Noise

5.2.18 | Financial Planning

Tuning Out the Noise For investors, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the relentless stream of news about markets. Being bombarded with data and headlines presented as impactful to your financial...

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Charitable gifting from your IRA

9.1.17 | Financial Planning

In late 2015, Congress made permanent a rule that allows certain individuals the ability to make charitable donations directly from their IRA.  Named a “qualified charitable distribution” (QCD), individuals who are over age...

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2018 Social Security Benefit COLA

7.31.17 | Financial Planning

Do you feel like your Social Security benefits have not increased much lately?  If so, you’d be correct. Social Security benefits have increased by more than 2% only three times in the last...

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